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高一英语必修二unit2 课件

推荐人: 来源: 阅读: 3.2W 次

在理解的基础上记忆并运用本单元重点词汇。接下来小编为大家推荐的是高一英语必修二unit2 课件,欢迎阅读。

高一英语必修二unit2 课件



1. because of 因为、由于

2. come up 走近、上来、提出

3. actually 实际上、事实上

4. base 以…为基础,根基

5. at present 目前

6. make use of 利用

7. such as 例如

8. command 命令、指令、掌握

9. request 请求、要求

10. play a part/role in 扮演一个角色

11. recognize 辨认出、承认、公认

12. straight 直接、挺直、笔直的

13. be different from 与…不同

be the same as 和…一样

14. one another 相互,彼此(=each other)

15. at the end of 在…结束时

16. because of 因为(后接名词或名词性短语)

because 因为(后接句子)

17. be based on 根据,依据

18. at present 目前;当今

19. especially 特别,尤其

specially 专门地

20. make use of 利用…

make the best of 充分利用…

21. a large number of 大量的,很多(作主语时,谓语动词用复数)

the number of …的数量(作主语时,谓语动词用单数)

22. in fact = actually= as a matter of fact 事实上

23. make lists of… 列清单

24. included 包括(前面接包括的对象)


25. command sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事

command + that 从句(从句用should+V原)

26. request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

request + that 从句(从句用should+V原)


1. World Englishes come from those countries where English plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(定语从句)


2. All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.


3. Actually, the English spoken between about AD 450 and 1150 was based more on German than present day English.


4. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?


5. Believe it or not, he cheated in the exams.


6. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.


7. Today the number of people learning English in China is larger than even before.


8. It is the duty of a government to provide education for the children of its country. (it作形式主语)


9. Reading is one of the best ways of improving your vocabulary and usage.


10. Giving commands is less polite than making a request.


11. We asked her for directions and she told us to go round the corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks.


12. He knows several languages, such as English, French and German.


[高一英语必修二unit2 课件]